Greetings, erotica fans =)

I am Mistress of Shadows, and finally allowing myself to take the time to write. There are hundreds of chaotic little naughty thoughts flitting around the corners of my mind, and I'm determined they will find a home on paper soon. I'm constantly on the prowl for new material, thoughts, ideas, scenes, and fantasies, so feel free to give suggestions. Please join me, and know that all of your criticism and praise will be appreciated equally. Everything posted to this page will be unedited, working material; every thought a brief glimpse into the recesses of my mind. Come, walk in the shadows with me.

St. Patrick's Day Entry #3

“Magically Delicious” by : Angel N. Disguise

He absentmindedly fingered the silvery key that hung off of the magical chain looped around his belt. Normally it was safely stashed in the front pocket of his britches, but he found running his fingers across the smooth, cold surface soothed him.  Lately, more and more of the outsiders were wandering around, turning over stumps, peering into the deep crevasses and cracks along the rocky outcrops, and even climbing up trees—forever in search of that mysterious pot ‘o gold.  He chuckled to himself…pot of gold…how absurd!  His treasures, rewarded to only those male leprechauns who had proven themselves to the elders, filled more than a silly blackened pot.  Kieran looked pensively down at the key that lay across his small palm, an early morning ray of sunshine catching the faceted surface, sending tiny spears of reflected light dancing across the forest floor.  

The key and chain, much like the treasure box it was mated to, was cast from a metal so magical and rare, it was kept hidden deep within the craggy faces of the karstic landscape; only the most ancient of leprechauns knew of its exact location…and even then it was doubtful their faded memories could accurately unearth the hidden cave’s opening without a bit of trial and error.  He had seen many pillagers try, and fail, to break open a leprechaun’s chest—be it sword, hammer or a hastily chosen rock—the metal withstood the harshest of attempts.  Only the singular key, forged from the same ore as the matching chest, would open up the box laden with unimaginable riches.

He cast his gaze down at the uniquely sculpted form. To most it represented wealth, status, and power; yet that key, poured from molten metal into a mold long ago shattered into dust, would keep him tethered, forever bound by proximity to his own diminutive part of the world. The need to guard and protect it was so ingrained; he dare not wander too far, lest some monstrous beast relieve him of the simple box and all its contents while he was off gallivanting. Not that they would succeed; without the key he kept secured on a thick belt that wrapped around his stout body, the chest would remain impenetrable.

Kieran sighed.  An entire countryside filled with the most beautiful creatures beckoned him, yet it remained just beyond his reach…dam that key and his miserable, pitiful life! Damn stinking pot o’ gold! How long had it been since he laid eyes on something more lovely than the ugly female trolls that guarded the bridges across the river.  If only he could stray, just once, beyond his tiny patch of forest, and have his way with another creature, perhaps even a female of that human race. Their bodies were breathtakingly gorgeous--so fair skinned, long flowing trusses, and voluptuous, in a well proportioned way—not like the lumpy and grotesque bodies of those awful trolls.

He shuddered, thinking about the “toll” those wretched female trolls would exact from him…having to pleasure them….uugh! They would all clamor about, fighting amongst each other whenever a male leprechaun needed to cross; for they now had firsthand knowledge that the myths were true.  Leprechauns were endowed with two sets of “riches”…they were known to always be laden with a few gold coins, and the legends of their “endowed-ness” held the utmost of truth.  Although never reaching more than 3 foot in height, a leprechaun’s manhood, when fully erect, could often triple in size, reaching mammoth proportions—well at least from a leprechaun’s viewpoint!  And those scanky trolls seemed to concur.

A wicked smile crept into the corners of his mouth as he recalled the almost horrified look on the face of that last bitch he had screwed in order to cross over. The troll had asked for his payment; either a gold coin which she knew he held and found difficult to part with, or she would agree to some more carnal compensation. Her eyes about popped out of that nasty head of hers when he unlaced the leather ties on his britches and pulled out his cock, jerking and rubbing it roughly, quickly hardening it to its massive size. He wanted nothing more than to get the dirty deed over and done with before he became repulsed.  His rod had become engorged, growing rapidly to its 12 inches in length, its girth being equally as impressive.  He quickly thrust his manhood in-between her thighs, his little body striking such a rapid pace that she had no time to object.

As his thrusts had became harder, each stroke driving his massive cock in farther, the moans and shudders told him the troll really didn’t mind being stretched by the immense size or length of his dick.  Her pussy walls repeatedly tried to pull him back in deeper as he rocked his hips back and forth, desperately trying to push either of them over that edge, not really caring if he was able to empty his load, or not…as long as in the end it counted toward his safe passage across the bridge.  The guttural screams that has burst from her lungs had let him know his last thrust, pushing himself all the way in to the hilt, had done the job. He pulled out just as the end of his shaft violently shook and his load had burst out from his mushroom tip, spewing gooey cum all over the troll’s stomach and thighs, leaving a milky white stream dripping off of her gravely skin.

Kieran tucked the key back into his pocket, bent down and adjusted the buckles on his shoes, and decided that a stroll to the river’s edge might relieve some of his pent up energies, not to mention the heaviness he now felt building up in his loins.  He didn’t often like venturing too close to the water; its swirling eddies and rapid currents scared the piss outta him—sometimes quite literally. Not to mention that he didn’t know how to swim one effin’ bit; he couldn’t right recall if any leprechaun knew how to swim. For all of their mischievous ways and ‘oft being magically inclined, they were very much out of their element in water…even if it were only knee deep.  Probably why those miserable trolls had their way with them when needing to get across the river; swimming was definitely not a strong suit for a leprechaun.  But today, the shadowy depths called to him, urging his restlessness forward, in spite of his usual unwillingness.

Though the morning sun had broken the horizon’s edge for some time now, he found the remnants of a dense fog still blanketing the shallows.  The dew-laden mist clung to the mirrored surface as if a thousand tiny fingers were clawing at it, trying desperately to hold onto a vanishing dream.  As he drew closer to the edge, he could hear the lazy water lapping at the velvety faces of well worn stones. The sun’s warmth had melted away some of the mist along the sandy shore, and he watched tiny ringlets of silvery liquid roll across the sleek surface and fade slowly from view, their unwavering voyage never reaching a final destination.

Kieran set his hat on a nearby log and wandered over to the edge so as to splash some cool water across his rumpled brow. His bushy beard broke the shimmering surface as he leaned over, steadying his footing so as to avoid the possibility of accidentally tumbling in.  As he laced his fingers together and scooped up a handful of water, he was startled by the echoes of a sweet melodic lilt that seemed to float above the mist, accompanied by the sounds of splashing and giggling.  He immediately backed away from the edge, unsure of the proximity of the creature who owned the voice and not wanting to be boxed in by Mother Nature, or some wily vixen determined to sweet-talk him out of his riches.

Peering across the river, his squinting eyes revealed the outlines of a mysterious figure, standing almost knee deep in the water at the river’s bank.  He perked his ears, straining to hear any telltale signs of danger, wondering what type of creature dared to venture so close to death’s door.  Pricked by curiosity, he threaded his way downstream a tad, hoping the jagged course would bring him that much closer to the melodious cadence.

“Come on baby sister! It’s really not that cold. There! See, I’m completely wet now and it feels wonderful. Honest!”

He saw a second figure emerge through the thinning mist, standing quite statuesque, bright auburn locks cascading down a slender body; a human’s body. And from what he could make out from the curvy silhouette-it was very much female.  He chuckled to himself.  Not one but two loveys… dam Luck ‘o the Irish! 

“Brannagh what are you doing out there?  You’re stark naked!  Put your clothes back on, silly girl, before someone comes along and sees you! You may be older, dear sister, but sometimes you make me wonder…”

“We’ve been cooped up in those tiny cabins for over a week now, Ruari.  Our men abandon us from dawn till dusk while they parade about freely in the forest, hunting their precious wild game.  Aren’t you tired of smelling like the foul carcasses they leave for us to clean and prepare?” lamented Brannagh.

“I haven’t had a proper bath in days” she continued, not waiting for an answer.  “Why not kill two birds with one stone, and wash out our clothes too!  Anyways, who is going to see us? There isn’t anyone senseless enough to venture this deep into these woods, ’cept our foolish men. Now little sister, get your ass into this water and swim over to me. I’ll help you out of that filthy dress of yours.”

He strained his eyes, trying to capture every nuance of naked flesh that was to be offered up across the way.  Kieran watched as the red headed nymph reluctantly obeyed her sister’s command and slowly waded into the crystalline waters.  He could hear her muffled gasps as the coolness assaulted her exposed skin.  As the mist ebbed and swirled around them, he noticed the raven haired beauty pulling her sister close and heard the telltale sound of a zipper releasing, followed by an abrupt cry and a sharp inhalation of breath.  A bit of splashing ensued, the older sister appearing quite determined to completely soak her younger counterpart before she had a change of mind about the impromptu bath.

“I thought you said it wasn’t too bad, Brannagh you sneaky little liar! Look at my body tremble! I’ve got goose bumps bigger than my dam nipples!” whined Ruari.

“Hmm, those nipples on your big ol’ breasts are rather hard now, aren’t they…are you sure it’s just the cold water?  Maybe they’re just excited to see this naked goddess again?” taunted Brannagh, rather impishly.

Kieran chuffed to himself, frustrated that he could not clearly see any details from his current vantage point across the river. He mentally ran the course in his head both upstream and down, knowing that to gain access to cross he would have to deal with those awful trolls. These bathing beauties would be long gone by the time his little legs, and large cock, could ferry him across to more closely stalk their voluptuously naked bodies.  

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of flapping wings. A flock of birds circled overhead, and swooped down in one choreographed motion, settling in among the tall branches of the ancient trees that lined the banks.  The sudden noise startled the two women as well, their heads turning to watch the starlings alight on knotted branches, the thickly braided leaves almost completely masking their lofty perches.  His eyes narrowed as he followed the massive trunks skyward, noting the array of giant boughs that stretched out, their great lengths nearly spanning to mid river.  His lips curled up in a wicked snarl as he felt any rational thoughts vanish from his noggin, the aching between his legs propelling that tiny spark of an idea into a full-fledged action plan.

He scampered up the side of the enormous tree trunk, the tips of his shoes easily finding footings in the rough bark that wrapped around the base like worn leather.  Kieran reached a low branch, and from there swung himself upwards, bouncing from one limb to another as he continued his ascent. When he figured he was up high enough, he stood upon a rather strong looking branch, and peering across the way, eyed a similar bough that too, had grown out quite a distance towards the middle of the river. 

Without giving it any further thought, he rushed forward as fast has his little legs could carry him, and reaching the end of the branch, he coiled up the muscles in his lower body and launched himself into the air, praying that his pithy calculations would not fail him.  He didn’t dare look down for fear of being swallowed up by the rushing waters below.  The neighboring limb hit him square in the chest with a loud thwack and he hastily wrapped his arms and legs tightly around the branch to keep from falling. 

His sudden intrusion startled the birds that were roosting among the camouflaged foliage, scattering them out from the tree in different directions. Once he caught his breath that had been forced from his lungs, he instinctively reached down for the key; the last thing he needed was to have dislodged it from his belt with the forceful impact to his small frame. He breathed another sigh of relief.

Kieran knew the commotion would draw the attention of the beauties bathing below, so he conjured up his cloaking abilities, invising himself for the precious few moments he could, hoping it was long enough to keep him hidden from any prying eyes. Usually leprechauns used their cloaking skills to shadow step when danger was nearby, fading and moving rapidly, appearing and re-appearing in so many different locations that predatory creatures found it too frustrating to track their movements.  Sometimes when feeling rather playful and lucky, leprechauns would appear in front of creatures just to taunt them. They would cast their invisibility as the beast pounced, seemingly able to outwit danger in the blink of an eye, when in fact they were standing but a few feet from their unknowing hunter.  This was one of those times where Kieran hoped his shadowing would not fail him.

He held his breath as the last of the birds took flight, watching the two females below scouring the trees for 
the cause of the disturbance.  Not finding the source of the hullabaloo, they quietly resumed their languid activities.  Kieran stealthily shimmied down a few branches, creping ever so quietly, hoping to conceal his uninvited presence.  He found a stout limb that afforded an unobstructed view of his prey, and settled himself on his new perch, still feeling the adrenaline rush coursing through his blood and a heady desire clawing at his groin.

He gazed hungrily upon the sisters as they frolicked about, completely uninhibited by their surroundings, surrendering their sultry essences to the water gods.  The younger sister, Ruari, had her back to Brannagh, and bending at the waist, Kieran watched as she rapidly plunged her discarded garments in and out of the water and then held them up to the faint sunlight, inspecting her handiwork. 

“Leave the dress be, little one. Come, let me finish washing you, and then you can scrub those places on me that I can’t reach as well.”

The older sister waded over to where Ruari stood and slid an arm around to her front, softly prying the dressing gown from her hands.  Casting it aside, she pressed her breasts into Ruari’s back, and snaked her free arm across her bosom. Cradling her body, Brannagh slowly eased the younger sister backwards, pulling their naked bodies under the water as she paddled out from the river’s edge.

Brannagh gathered up auburn tresses in her hand and gently coiled them in a spiral atop Ruari’s head. She scooped up some water and trickled it down her sister’s neck and across her shoulders.  Ruari arched her back as the icy rivulets zigzagged across her nakedness, and then relaxed as she felt her sister’s palms rubbing her muscles, massaging away the frigidness as she scrubbed her skin clean.

Kieran, still clutching the branch with an iron like grip, sat mesmerized by the innocent erogenous foreplay between the two, and the untold possibilities his imaginative little mind pictured.  His cock was already twitching, pushing against the confines of his leather leggings, begging for attention.  With little hesitation, he released his steeled hold and made short of the laces that bound the front of his britches closed.  He didn’t dare unbuckle his belt; even while sexing those trolls, he refused to drop his drawers and risk losing his precious key while distracted by the flesh on flesh carnage.

His cock, now partially freed from its buckskin prison, danced around in his lap as if it had a mind of its own.  Its size had already doubled, responding to the sights and sounds of the erotic pleasures that were unfolding before his sparkling green eyes.  He stroked his manhood in rhythm to the caresses of the older sister, her nimble hands so lovingly washing the dust and grim from her sister’s alabaster skin. 

His eyes raked over Brannagh’s luscious body, the intensity of his strokes increasing as he noticed how hard and erect her nipples had become, her hands continuing their unrestrained exploration over Ruari’s flesh.  Brannagh had gently maneuvered her sister around to face her, her fingers lingering for a moment as they traced the outline of her breasts. 

“My turn now, little sister.  My body desires to be clean. Hop to it, woman!” whispered Brannagh, her voiced laced with fondness.

“From the looks of things, it’s more than cleanliness your body desires.” quipped Ruari.  Glancing over her sister’s beautifully full breasts, an audible gasp escaped from her pouty lips.

“Brannagh, what are all these marks on your skin? Why are your breasts crisscrossed with these purplish blemishes? Your nipples are so reddened and sore looking. What has Aonghus been doing to you? Am I going to have to hunt down and punish that man of yours for hurting you?” cried Ruari.

She ran her hands over the smoothness of her breasts, her fingers gingerly tracing the discolorations that dotted her skin.  Brushing up against her taut nipples, Brannagh felt her lips curl up in a sensual grin as she closed her eyes, a rosy blush spreading across her angelic face.

“Hush, child. There is nothing wrong.  We have been rather…enjoying…some new found pleasures during our late night trysts.  I had gotten quite bored with the same ol’ positions, and decided to spice up our love-making.  There is something to be said with adding a little pleasurable pain whilst in the throes of ecstasy, dear sister. Trust me.” winked Brannagh. 

Brannagh breathed a sigh and continued. “Aren’t you tired of your man flopping down on top of you and finishing up before you even got started, Ruari?  If not for my own fingers working myself into a frenzy half of the time, I’m not sure I’d actually orgasm with Ghus and his rapid-fire approach to love-making. So, I got brave and I made a few eh-hem ‘suggestions’…planting a few naughty thoughts into that half empty head of his.”

“So, the last time we made love, he was a bit more…rough, shall we say.  He threw me down on all fours, and thrusting himself in from behind, he cupped my breasts as I rocked backwards against his cock, driving him in deeper than ever.  He grabbed my nipples between his fingers, and squeezed them, rather hard.  At first I felt a pain lashing across my chest, but he didn’t let go as I whimpered for him to stop.  The harder he drove his rod in, the harder he squeezed my nipples.  I found the pain actually was making me hotter and hornier, completely soaking me in wetness as it travelled straight to my core, arousing sensations I never knew existed.  At the precise moment I felt myself starting to cum, my pussy walls wrapped tightly around his dick, he thrust himself to the hilt inside of me, and pinching my nipples as hard as he could, he quickly released them as they throbbed in blissful pleasure.  Our bodies exploding in the most amazing orgasm we had ever experienced.” cooed Brannagh.  “And if you must know, the bite marks you will find on my back actually hurt a bit more.”

Kiernan’s cock was now throbbing, completely erect in his hand, as he fought to suppress the moans that were rumbling deep within his chest.  The friction felt like it was burning the skin on his palm as he continued to work his hardened dick, pre-cum now dripping off its massive head.  Heady thoughts rushed through his tiny body as he strained to catch every lustful word.  Images of her naked body bent over a chair as he thrust his immense cock into her tight pussy flashed through his mind; he mused whether her honeyed hole could even handle his twelve inch dick. Perhaps he would have the chance to solve that conundrum.

“It sounds, so, so…harsh, Brannagh.  I’m not sure I would enjoy someone hurting me while they were trying to make love to me. My poor nipples are already so sensitive. How would playing so roughly with them make me wetter?  I’m pretty sure I’d punt Fionn right out of the bedroom if he manhandled me like you are sayin’. Pleasurable pain…hardly sounds appealing, sister”

Before she could protest or move away, Brannagh’s hands reached up through the translucent water, and clamping both of Ruari’s nipples between her fingers and thumbs, she squeezed.  The ear shattering shrill that flew from Ruari’s ruby lips as she thrashed about, trying to pry her sister’s fingers from her breasts was so startling, as was the sight of Brannagh’s fingers still holding on to her erect nipples, it pushed Kieran right to the edge of ecstasy.  His body jerked upright as he pumped his shaft from hilt to tip, his balls tightening beneath his leather britches almost painfully as he felt the pressure building; his release was eminent. 

Through a foggy haze he watched as Brannagh continued to twist and tug on her sister’s nipples, her body now pressed into Ruari’s to keep her from pulling away. A low, guttural moan rose up from deep within the younger sister as she threw her head back, her body arching in defiance to the agony that flooded her, her eyes wild with desire as waves of pleasure replaced the echoes of pain.  Brannagh slid her hand off of a nipple and ran it down her sister’s flattened stomach, the shadowy waters masking its sordid descent below. 

“See sister! Let you mind go there…don’t stop it!  Allow the pain to bleed into your pleasures…feel how wet you are, little one…let go of your inhibitions…embrace the pain!”

“OH MY FUCKING GOD, Brannagh!” screamed out Ruari, her entire body now trembling with need, begging for release.  “It’s…toooo…mmmuuchh…I can’t stop it now….doonn’t stopppp…”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” flew out from Kiernan’s mouth before he could suppress the tiny words. He couldn’t hold out any longer. With one last thrust of his hand up and down his shaft, he leaned backwards, copious amounts of cum now ejaculating from his pulsating rod.  For the briefest of moments the tiny leprechaun felt as if he were soaring, his mind, body and soul riding on the most wonderful waves of pleasure…and then it hit him…he WAS soaring…only it wasn’t pleasure that was flashing before his emerald eyes…it was images of his own life passing by!

With his arms flailing about, Kieran grasped at passing branches as his body plummeted down toward the river below.  His body broke through the surface with a loud splash, his own voice screaming out for help as his tiny form sunk further and further into the watery abyss.  Those dam nightmares that plagued him for his entire short lived life had come true.  He was drowning; his entire existence being wiped out in a mere blink of an eye. Fuck those water gods. Fuck those dam female wenches. Fuck his whole miserable life. Then, there was silence. And darkness.

Brannagh wasn’t exactly sure what lead to the scream that burst from Ruari’s lungs; be it her body succumbing to the pleasure that was coursing through her, or being scared shitless by the frantic cries of some male creature plunging out of the sky and hitting the water with a resounding smack, its tiny frame cutting through the surface and disappearing from view in an instant.

Although frightened, instinctively Brannagh swam towards the entry point in the water, unsure of what she would find, but knowing she had to at least try to rescue whatever it was she saw tumble into the river and fail to resurface.  Coming up empty handed with her first attempt, Brannagh filled her lungs with a few gulps cool air and dove again under the turbid surface, her hands groping blindly in the darkness below. Her efforts were rewarded; her fingers brush up against what she surmised was buckskin, and wrapping her fingers in its folds, she dragged the small bundle up from the river’s bottom to the sandy shore.

Brannagh struggled to pull the wee male away from the edge; the waterlogged leather clothing that ensconced his small frame kept slipping out of her hands as she dragged him to softer ground.  Ruari had followed her out of the water, clutching her soaked dress to her body, trying to shield some of her nakedness from the strange creature that lie, motionless, at their feet.

“Is he…dead?” queried Ruari, not wanting to admit to the possibility.

“Tis hard to tell, little sister, I don’t see his chest moving. Perhaps he is in shock. I think we need to try to resuscitate him.  Get close to him and see if you can feel him breathing. I think pushing on his chest and breathing some air into his mouth may help.”

“You want me touch him? We don’t even know what kind of creature he is. What if he is dangerous? Or diseased? Or dead? I’m not putting my lips on a dead thing.” whimpered Ruari.

“From the looks of it, I’d say we’ve fished out a leprechaun from the brink, dear sister.  He can’t be more than 3 feet tall, if that. And look at his beard, his clothing, even his shoes. It’s just like the stories we heard growing up—those magical little Elvin creatures that roam the woods, hiding their gold and pranking those who get too close to their treasures.” replied Brannagh.

Scanning his body from head to toe, she noted the flaccid penis that lay stock-still across his thigh. A glint of silver caught her eye, barely peeking out from beneath his limp manhood. She thought back to her childhood and the tales she had heard about their pots of gold, and the legends of their enormous and magical cocks. It didn’t actually look that big, lying there so soft and wrinkly.

“If he is dead, he must have died a happy little leprechaun from the looks of it. I don’t think he was just taking a leak in that tree above us. Poor lil’ man. What are we gonna do now, sis?”

“Come closer, Ruari, and help me get these wet clothes off of him. Maybe if we warm him up some and try to help him breath he will be ok.” ordered Brannagh. Not waiting for her sister to object any further, she grabbed her arm and pulled her down next to the stilled body. “Here, take your palms and push on his chest here…be careful you don’t push too hard. He doesn’t have a lot of padding around his bones. Good. Now breathe into his mouth. Do it, Ruar. Now!” commanded the older sister.

She watched as her sister complied, her hands trembling as she gently pushed on the little man’s chest, not wanting to harm him more.  Ruari knelt down next to his face, and hesitantly pressed her lips to his mouth, and pushed a breath between a pair of icy blue lips. Nothing happened. The body did not stir.
Curious now about the shiny metal she espied, Brannagh gingerly grabbed hold of his limp organ and lifted it upwards; a tiny key shaped fob clung to his wet britches, secured to his belt by a thickly linked chain.  The instance her warm fingers wrapped around his rod, it pulsed back to life, doubling in size and hardening inside her palm.

“Whoa, what do we have here sister?!?  He may not be breathing yet, but there is ONE part of him that has sprung back to life. I barely touched his ‘magic wand’ and look what happened—it has swelled to twice its size, like it has a mind of its own.” chirped Brannagh, still holding the growing penis rather firmly, her free hand working to undo the buckle on his belt so as to quickly slip the key and chain from its holder. “I don’t think his ‘soul’ is ready to give up the ghost just yet.  Perhaps we should be working THIS organ to bring him back to life…”

Ruari watched with a startled amazement as her sister continued to stroke the huge member, the single hand sliding up and down the shaft now barely able to wrap around the rod’s thickness.  Her nimble fingers released the clasp on his belt and deftly slipped the chain from around the leather binding.

“Take this key, Ruari, and go gather up our clothing. Whatever you do, don’t lose it. Don’t drop it. And for god’s sake, if the leprechaun wakes up screaming about his precious key, don’t give it back to him!”

“What are you doing, Brannagh? We have the key. Leave him be. Please?!” whispered Ruari as she watched her sister one handedly shimmy the leprechaun’s wet britches down his thighs till they pooled around his ankles.

“Might as well finish what I started and give the lad a proper thank you. We did just relieve him of all his worldly treasures…may as well ‘relieve’ his family jewels of their contents too!” mocked Brannagh, a sardonic smile turning up the corners of her mouth.

Ruari hastily scooped up their dresses and undergarments and stood quietly next to her kneeling sister. His entire lower body now free of clothing, Brannagh wrapped both hands around the base of the giant cock and slowly eased her lips around the pulsating shaft. Ruari watched her lips stretch as she slid more of his huge member into her mouth, Brannagh’s head now bobbing up and down as she lashed his hardened dick.  Ruari could swear she heard tiny moans escaping from the leprechaun’s stilted lips. She watched as his eyelids 
fluttered his face awash with an idyllic glow.

So this is what heaven is like. Tis not as bad as I imagined. Angels kissing me with lips as soft as rose petals…hot mouths sliding up and down my manhood, eager to please me…branding my shaft with their wicked tongues…swallowing my entire dick down tight little throats…”

He felt, rather than heard, the rumbling in the pit of his stomach, felt the all too familiar tightening of his balls just before…Kieran’s eyes flew open with a start, his body jerking upright as he tried to focus on the surreal scene. His mind numb with confusion, fire lacing through his groin, he shook his head, trying to clear the haze that clouded his vision. He focused his eyes on the head nestled between his legs, long raven tresses splayed over his thighs, his stomach; his cock buried into her mouth and half way down her throat, his pants gathered up around his ankles…pants…ankles…key…

“Noooo! Where is my…” were the only words he could muster; for the rest of his brain would no longer cooperate in forming any discernible words. His whole body was wracked by the most amazing orgasm as he watched the vixen go down on him to his base; his entire massive cock was lodged in her throat, her lips pressed tightly against his sac as he shuddered, shooting his load of ropey cum into her stomach, her mouth, and as she pulled off of him, it continued to splurt out across her face, trickling down her cheeks.  His cock continued to convulse and spasm, his arms and legs felt useless as he tried to reach down and wrap his fingers around the ebony mane at his waist. Before he could grab her head, she rocked back on her haunches, milky white cum dribbling down her chin and dripping onto her swollen breasts.  She stood up in all of her naked splendor, and grabbing her sister’s hand; she spun around on her heels and pulled her back toward the water, wading into the river’s depths.


Having swum half way across the river, he saw the older sister stop, and treading water she turned back to the shore and hollered back to Kiernan these words…

“Little leprechaun who climbed a tree
Whipped out his penis, but not to pee;
Whacked it so hard he took a tumble
Now he sits alone to grumble
For he gained naught, and lost his key!”

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