Greetings, erotica fans =)

I am Mistress of Shadows, and finally allowing myself to take the time to write. There are hundreds of chaotic little naughty thoughts flitting around the corners of my mind, and I'm determined they will find a home on paper soon. I'm constantly on the prowl for new material, thoughts, ideas, scenes, and fantasies, so feel free to give suggestions. Please join me, and know that all of your criticism and praise will be appreciated equally. Everything posted to this page will be unedited, working material; every thought a brief glimpse into the recesses of my mind. Come, walk in the shadows with me.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Easter Contest Rules

Hey Boys and Gals....I hope you've been watching the Facebook page, because you'll have had a two week head start on the new contest!

Easter Contest Rules:

Word Limit: 1500 - 5000

Contest entries must be submitted by : April 20th, 12pm
All submissions should be emailed to:

Keeping with the holiday theme, next on the list is Easter! In an effort to spice things up a bit, your story MUST include ONE item out of each of these THREE categories:

One: bunny, rabbit ears, rabbit costume

Two: eggs, chocolate, peeps

Three: hunt, spring, spring fever, party

Have fun with this! The items in these categories can be matched in any order, in any theme, any time period, any setting, etc. Let your imagination run wild! 
