Greetings, erotica fans =)

I am Mistress of Shadows, and finally allowing myself to take the time to write. There are hundreds of chaotic little naughty thoughts flitting around the corners of my mind, and I'm determined they will find a home on paper soon. I'm constantly on the prowl for new material, thoughts, ideas, scenes, and fantasies, so feel free to give suggestions. Please join me, and know that all of your criticism and praise will be appreciated equally. Everything posted to this page will be unedited, working material; every thought a brief glimpse into the recesses of my mind. Come, walk in the shadows with me.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Treat for You =)

I hope you all had a fantastic St. Patty's Day! I've received some amazing contest entries, and will be posting the vote on our Facebook Page before the week is out.

Here's my contribution, just for all of you! Hugs, and may the Muse be with you =)

“For the Love of a Leprechaun”

The meadow was quiet this morning; silence hung in the air as dense and heavy as the thick fog blanketing the surrounding forest. Small dewdrops clung to long blades of grass, tugging their tips down to the earth in a gentle caress. Although it was barely beginning to awaken under the first rays of dawn, the ground was warm to the touch, fully embracing the onslaught of spring.

A single drop of water fell from the leaf it had been poised upon. As it splashed down upon the forehead of an unsuspecting sleeping maiden, her golden hair exploded in a frenzied flurry as she was startled awake. When she stopped thrashing, an embarrassed smile quirked across her full lips as she realized the enemy she’d been fighting so fiercely was simply her own leaf-sewn blanket.

Inquisitive green eyes surveyed the area surrounding her as she searched for signs of danger before moving. Satisfied when no foreign sounds disrupted the serenity of the glade, Lyris stretched her arms slowly above her head. The leaf blanket that had been clinging to her fell and gathered around her slender waist. She gasped as the crisp morning breeze curled lazily against her skin, as chill bumps raced across her naked flesh.

A normal woman may have been tempted to allow her fingertips to stray, to chase the wind’s caress with her own. She may have cupped her heavy breasts in her hands, tenderly grazing the tightened peaks as she closed her eyes and moaned softly…but Lyris was not a normal woman. She was completely innocent of desires of the flesh, completely free of sexual tension and hunger.

Although she was anatomically perfect, her body had never known pleasure in that way. Her graceful neck had never been kissed, her slender shoulders had never been caressed; her beautifully sculpted breasts and slender waist had never been held. The innocence of her smooth hips and shapely thighs had never been plundered by a lover, male or female. It wasn’t that she didn’t secretly wish for those things to happen…she just couldn’t experience physical pleasure until her true mate revealed himself and unlocked the other half of her soul.

Rising to her feet, she padded silently across the short distance separating her from the nearby stream. A soft smile graced her lips as she paused for a minute to watch a couple of bunny babies frolicking on its banks. They saw her, and froze in place. The elder of the two wiggled his nose while he took in her scent, and after sensing no threat coming from her, used the opportunity to head butt the smaller bunny into the cold running water. Stifling the laugh that bubbled in her at the wee one’s plight, she turned, and began following the stream to its source.

Lyris reached the small waterfall in a matter of moments, and without pausing walked directly under the spray. She gasped out loud as the frigid water splashed down on her, rinsing away the dust of her earthen bed. Delicate hands made quick work of her morning cleansing routine, washing her hair and her body with swift, sure movements. When she could stand the iciness no longer, she left the miniature cascade, and moved back across the moss-covered stones.

She retraced her steps to the cozy little sleeping niche where she’d spent the night.  As she rounded a bend in the path, her breath was stolen by the sight that awaited.  The majestic tree line across the meadow had finally released its hold on the morning light; the sun-kissed mist shrouding the open field tinged the air with an unearthly golden glow.  Every drop of dew had been transformed into a transparent sphere of light. Each strand of spider web suspended between the long blades of grass appeared to be made of shimmering gold thread.

Her lips parted in a soft gasp of wonder as she stepped into the golden grove. As the morning light bathed her waist-length blonde tresses, a gleaming aura of radiance pulsed around her. At that moment, the light filtering through the illuminating haze erupted in an explosion of myriad colors. The notes of her delighted laughter floated on the still air as she spun around, spinning on the balls of her feet as she danced in the earthbound rainbow.

Lyris pranced across the meadow, skipping through the damp foliage. Reaching her hidden hollow, she hummed a quiet tune as she searched through her belongings. Finding the musical instrument she’d stashed there, she straightened and headed back across the glade. Her slender fingers strummed across the strings of the small lyre, her namesake. A hauntingly beautiful melody sprang to life beneath her fingertips and drifted on the crisp spring breeze.


He had been searching for a very, very long time.

Every spring since he was a boy, he had been searching; though, at the time, he didn’t realize what he was searching for. As the air first began to lose its bite after the harsh winter, he’d feel the same pull…almost as if his very soul was trying to direct the steps he’d taken, luring him and compelling him toward a single moment.

Aureus treaded quietly through the dense underbrush, weaving his way through the aged forest. A brief smile graced his lips as his druidic soul reveled in the beautiful nature surrounding him. Each of these old trees had weathered enough storms to have voices of their own, and his heart was enriched by listening to their whispered wisdom as he passed beneath them. As he walked, faint wisps of the awakening land’s fresh scent teased his nose; the smell of damp soil and fresh leaves in the first breath of spring were unrivalled the rest of the year.

There was a building urgency in his steps that he’d never felt before. He chided himself on his haste, and forced his feet to slow. He was determined to enjoy his surroundings, already convinced that this trip would be as fruitless as all the previous ones had been.  Before he knew it, the density of the forest began to change and thin out. After a few more moments, he could just see the first rays of light filtering through the trees surrounding him as his path brought him to the edge of a small clearing.

He started to cross the open space, but there was a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he should linger in the shadows for a moment. Without making the conscious decision to do so, his steps slowed until he came to a complete halt. Aureus stood perfectly still as the minutes passed, growing frustrated as his eyes were unable to penetrate the heavy fog. His eyes glowing from the magic within, his senses extended to the wildlife surrounding him.  The thoughts and feelings of the birds, and the little furred creatures in the glade were filled with contentment and delight in the new spring. The very essence of the area remained undisturbed and he shook his head to clear it of the uneasy feeling.

Readjusting his pack on his shoulders, he was about to resume his journey when the sun finally topped the tall line of trees. He watched, spellbound, as the sunlight descended upon the meadow. The transformation of foreboding fog to a golden haze caused all of his senses to suddenly sharpen. All of the creatures in the meadow paused in their rustlings as if they, too, were transfixed by the magical sight. Magical…his heart began to beat wildly in his chest as that thought triggered a memory from his past. A hush fell over the grove as the voice of the ancient ones echoed in his mind.

“Marked at birth and doomed to search for a soul-mate beyond compare,
Your druidic soul has chosen a female leprechaun, both beautiful and rare.
The years will be as moments, your power will defy the passing of time,
Much work must be done to balance your being with reason and rhyme.
You must first learn to purify your soul from all selfishness and rage…
Wisdom will be whispered to you, the very earth itself will be your sage.
Next, you must train yourself to find beauty in all living things…
The stunted, the ugly, the evil and all the painful destruction they may bring.
When you are at peace, certain your mind, heart, and body are one
The training you require to claim the other half of your soul will be done.”

Moving in slow motion, he carefully set his pack down on the forest edge. He tried to control his heartbeat as he sent tendrils of magical power out toward the glade. His breath quickened as he realized his years of searching may have drawn to an end. The glow in his eyes flamed to life as he gently read the thoughts of the living creatures again, this time delving a little deeper. The deep voice of the ancient council continued to play through his thoughts as his excitement began to build.

“Travel far and travel wide, travel the dense forests until you find
The meadow of destiny, in which your soul will finally bind
When the first light of the sun pierces dawn’s early gloom,
In the spring when the earth’s warmth first starts to bloom
As the golden light shimmers through the magical glade,
Follow the rainbow of colors, it will lead to your destined maid.
Small she will be, bathed in the warm sunlight she will glow
Awaiting your touch, your love, your passion to grow
Sweeten your offer with both pleasure and desire,
Her soul, to you, will bond with love’s sweet fire.”

Aureus felt his heart stand still for a moment as he touched briefly on the mind of a young rabbit. The youngling’s thoughts were erratic, but he caught snippets like “two-legs” and “golden hair”. Maneuvering himself with care around the small clearing, he closed the distance between him and the little creature. His footfalls were quiet and methodical as he covered the area, pausing occasionally to get his bearings and make sure he hadn’t scared it away. He sent pulses of tender emotive magic out from him to let the animals close by understand that he meant them no harm.

As he was circling the meadow, he watched as the sun rose a bit higher, changing the effect of its light on the mist. Right before his eyes, an explosion of color appeared to descend from the heavens in a concentrated beam. Aureus knelt when he reached the other side of the glade, and his excitement soared as he seperated the thick foliage in front of him. He held his breath as the thick leaves parted, and he got his first glimpse of the diminutive beauty he’d been searching for all these long years.

His gaze hungrily devoured her delicate features, surprised to find that she was less than a foot tall. Liquid gold spilled from her brow in long waves, partially obscuring his view of her nude form. Long lashes gracefully fluttered on high cheekbones as she swayed with the notes straining from the small instrument cradled in her hands. Tiny fingers plucked the strings effortlessly, and the musical tune drifting from the strings tugged at his heart with its simple beauty. He could barely see the perky tips of her breasts peaking from beneath her long hair, and on an impulse, sent his magic unfurling toward her with a gentle breath.


She wasn’t consciously dancing to the music pouring from her fingertips, but her body seemed to have a mind of its own. Lyris closed her eyes in pure joy as she frolicked in the meadow, moving to the notes floating through the stillness. The warmth of the sun on her face, the beauty of the colors surrounding her, and the serenity in the glade called to the depths of her little leprechaun heart. The magic of spring was all around her; she could almost feel the earth coming to life beneath her bare toes, and she was determined to celebrate its rebirth.

Her sensitive skin shivered in the crisp morning air as her feet beat a cadence on the earth. A small breeze caressed her torso, and she opened her eyes in surprise as her nipples suddenly tightened. This breath of air wasn’t like the rest, it was full of warmth and tingled with magic. It swirled around her, spreading heat everywhere it touched her skin. Her long hair began to move over her shoulders, uncovering her breasts, and her mouth parted in wonder as it grazed across her hardened buds. Her lyre forgotten, it slipped from her fingers as she lifted her hands to her chest.

Lyris couldn’t stop the soft moan that escaped her lips when she cupped her breasts in her hands. Her fingertips grazed the taut peaks, and her knees were suddenly weak as feelings she’d never experienced before coursed through her. As she squeezed them with a gentle touch, the thrill of her own touch forced her back to arch and her eyes to flutter closed.  The warm breeze continued to surround her, brushing her skin, igniting a fire deep within her that she had no idea how to smother.


She was the one.

He knew it as soon as she reacted to his magic, when she detected the change in the air. Aureus saw the truth before him as pleasure flushed across her skin at the gentle caress. The desire of a female leprechaun could only be awakened by the touch of their true love, their true mate; the exquisite little creature trembling before him was definitely responding to his presence. His heart relaxed into a deep, steady rhythm as he allowed the truth of that realization to wash over him.

Standing before him was the other half of his soul.

His breath caught as the magic he’d sent to her brushed her long hair back across her shoulders, and her beautiful breasts came into view. He watched as she caressed herself, her face a myriad of emotions as she began experiencing the pleasure of touch. Aureus dragged his eyes away from her for just a moment as he cast his gaze around her surroundings, searching for other natural things to increase her stimulation. His eyes glinted with mischief as he twirled his fingers in the air.

Several long strands of spider web began inching their way toward the tiny leprechaun. A large leaf floated silently up behind her; as she jumped in surprise at the feel of the web on her wrists, the leaf scooped her up, lifting her in the air. The golden web threads wound quickly around her wrists, her ankles, and her knees as the leaf tilted back. As they tightened, her wrists were raised above her head, and her knees were gently spread apart and lifted.  Moving before she could get her bearings back, Aureus’s quick chant created a golden feather and sent it to stroke her soft skin.


Drifting in a haze of sensual delight, Lyris was completely unprepared to be swept off of her feet. She squealed in alarm as her feet were scooped off the ground, and wiggled fiercely as the soft bands encircled her limbs and held her immobile. The bonds were gentle, but their strength undeniable as they spread her knees apart and raised her ankles; she flushed in embarrassment at being displayed so openly. For some reason she couldn’t explain, being restrained in such a manner sent a rush of heat through her body.

Her bright green eyes scanned the clearing frantically, searching for the culprit responsible. Her body froze as she locked onto a pair of eyes watching her that she hadn’t noticed before. The color of warm honey, they shone with love and compassion; the intensity and hunger with which they gazed upon her naked display made her stomach flutter. Those eyes were framed by long, sandy brown lashes, and a masculine face so beautiful she was sure she must be dreaming.  The blonde highlights in his hair picked up the rays of the sun, and it seemed as though an aura of light surrounded him with its sweet glow.

Even though she was seeing him for the first time, she could feel the hot rush of desire spiral deep inside, and suddenly she felt dampness between her thighs. She couldn’t look away from his chiseled features as a golden feather suddenly appeared in front of her and floated toward her prone form. Her body arched against its constraints at the first brush of that gentle entity against her over sensitized skin. Soft moans escaped between her full lips as the tip of the feather traced her slender neck, moving slowly down her chest. Her moans became louder as it circled first one plump breast, concentrating on the painfully hard nub at its peak, and then the other.

Her breathing erratic, she tried to focus on him; the lust in his eyes fueling her own passion as the feather teased her to greater heights. Finally, she couldn’t help closing her eyes as the feather lightly grazed against the golden curls between her thighs for the first time. Overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through her, she felt it pry its way between the folds of her innocent pussy. As it picked up speed, and began a relentless assault on her secret places, she tossed her head from side to side in mindless pleasure.


The sound of her musical voice and her cries of passion were wreaking havoc on his system. He kept his eyes trained on her as he watched her body stiffen, her pleasured scream shattering the peace of the surrounding glade. He allowed the leaf to lower her to the ground as she strained against the bonds when the waves of her very first orgasm consumed her. It appeared to be endless as her body convulsed, her impassioned voice slamming his gut with desire as he felt his loins begin to tighten.

As her juices flowed from between her thighs, her entire body began to glow. Aureus watched as each wave of her orgasm appeared to make a significant transformation in her. She was growing with each pulse of pleasure that ripped through her. His breath caught as he started unbuttoning his shirt, his eyes riveted to her body as she writhed. Tearing the shirt from his shoulders, he fumbled with the fastenings on his breeches, finally getting the drawstring undone so they could fall to the ground.

He lingered at the edge of the clearing, feeling his manhood swelling in response to her mewling sounds of passion. He twirled his fingers in the air, swirling his magic around her and continuing her sweet torment. He pushed her relentlessly through her first orgasm into another, and began the ancient chant that had been taught to him:

“Sweet maid of the meadow, so beautiful and pure
Is your body tempted by my passion, my lure?
Your heart has been calling to me, for many long years…
I’ve ached to hold you, and comfort your fears.
My soul is unfinished, today I stake my claim;
Accept my soul bond, maiden…tell me your name!”

Aureus held his breath, and waited.  Afraid she hadn’t heard him, he repeated the chant again.


She was delirous…so many sensations washing over her, overwhelming her. She screamed as she crashed towards another orgasm, but this time it was different. Her pleasure didn’t crest, didn’t give her the satisfaction she was craving. She needed something more. She needed…she didn’t KNOW what she needed! Her hands balled up into fists as she moaned in frustration.

In the throes of her passion, she heard a deep voice speaking softly near her. She strained to hear what he was saying. The baritone notes of his musical voice teased her senses, and sent a thrill straight to her core. She couldn’t concentrate, not with this need flowing through her; her hands grasping, her hips flexing, her heels churning against the ground as she writhed in delicious torment. She gasped as her eyes shot open, as she finally heard his words.

Her soul-mate? She forced her mind to focus, and looked for those honey colored eyes. Where only a face had been lurking before, she found a rugged mountain of a man instead. His eyes glowed with the magic pulsing through him, his nakedness matching her own as he stood proudly before her. The sun gleamed off of his bronze skin, his eyes challenging her to resist him. Muscles taut, he displayed for her everything he had to give as he repeated the chant once more. Her eyes widened and she glanced down as his monstrous manhood throbbed in front of him. Her body screamed out for him. Was he what she needed, what she craved?

She closed her eyes as his magic surrounded her again, the waves of pleasure threatening to drown her. Again, it pulled back just as she neared her completion, making her desperate for release. Her eyes flashed back to him, and she saw that he had moved closer to her. He held his hand toward her, palm facing her with his fingertips to the sky. Unable to resist him, she raised her hand toward him.

“My name is Lyris,” she moaned softly.


As the words left her lips, golden streaks of light leapt from her fingertips directly to his hand. Aureus found himself being pulled toward her, the gravitational force too great to resist even if he’d wanted to. He stepped toward the now fully grown leprechaun, and the magic pulled their hands together. At the first touch of their fingertips, they both groaned in unison as desired slammed into them, and he fell to his knees before her. Gazing into her bottomless green eyes, he felt compelled to answer the plea he found there.

Tugging on her hand, he gently pulled her up to him; his long fingers sliding from between her own as he slid them into her silky tresses instead. Wrapping his hand in her long hair, he pulled her face up to him, and with a strangled moan, claimed her pouting lips with his own. His lips were hot, his tongue demanding as he forced his way into her sweetness. Her taste intoxicated him, and he drank his fill from her soft lips as her moans whispered against him.

Forcing control on himself proved unbearably hard, but he was determined to make the claiming of his mate last for a little while longer. Pulling her head back, he gently kissed down her jaw, tracing the hollow of her slender neck. She cried out, gripping his shoulders as his lips found her painfully hard nipple and sucked it into his mouth. His heat seared into her as he licked at the sensitive nub, lathing it with his tongue as he rolled the other one between his hard fingers. Unable to deny his woman any longer, he released her breasts from his torment, and traced his way down her soft stomach.

“Please,” she whispered, her fingers curling and uncurling against the palms of her hands. Her hips pressed up against his chest as he began his descent; his heat between her thighs both soothed her and made her frantic at the same time. He gently kissed the soft swell of her tummy as he slid his fingers underneath her. The heavy muscles in his back flexed as he raised back up to his knees, his powerful hands gripping her hips. With a hungry growl, he lifted her to his face, pulling her aching pussy up to his lips.

She cried out as his tongue delved between her folds, the soft curls parting easily beneath his starving onslaught. Her knees over his shoulders, he could feel her heels digging into his back as she pushed her hips up to him. Her breath came out in little pants as he plunged his tongue inside her, stretching her, sucking out her sweet nectar. He growled against her, the vibration against her sensitive lips pulling a deep moan from her. She was so close to the edge now, so very close to oblivion.

Pulling his tongue from her, he ran it slowly up her wet slit, all the way through her folds. Lingering there, he found the little bundle of nerves he was searching for, and sucked it gently into his mouth. Her thighs clamped around his head, he could feel her body begin to stiffen as her release drew near. Pulling his head from between her thighs, he lowered her hips back to the ground, his mouth still working its magic on her nether lips. As her moans changed, the pitch rising as her fever grew, he quickly pulled his mouth away from her, and crawled up her body.

Sweat beaded on his brow as he struggled to be gentle with her. Her needy moans and her sweet taste had just about pushed him beyond his limits. She was so close to her orgasm that she was writhing beneath him, her firm curves pressing against him with every flex of her hips. Bracing himself on one hand as he loomed over her, Aureus reached down and wrapped the other around his throbbing hardness. She bucked her hips, and he had to grit his teeth hard to keep from exploding as her sweet pussy rubbed against his fingers.

Her words were completely incoherent as she felt something nudging against her aching center. Mindlessly, Lyris pressed her hips off the ground, instinctively searching for something to fill her emptiness.  She could feel his hard body pressing against her, and lifted her legs, locking her ankles around his back and she struggled to reach him. She moaned against his lips as he answered her plea, leaning down to her as he once again claimed her lips with his own.

Rubbing the head of his pulsing hardness up and down her slit and spreading her juices down his shaft, Aureus deepened the kiss. The next time she pulled away from him, he aimed himself carefully. When she bucked her hips against him again, he slid his throbbing cock into her moist heat with one deep stroke, feeling her entire body stiffen against him as he thrust through her innocence. His self control slipped hard as he swallowed her scream of pain. He felt her pussy walls clamp around him, and forced himself to move inside her. He flexed his hips and slowly persuaded her tightness to stretch for him with deep thrusts. He loved her gently as he could, his urgency increasing as he felt her begin to push against him again, and felt her moan against his lips.

He could feel the inferno building inside him as her tight sheath caressed his massive length. Reaching between them again, he released her lips and gazed at her beautiful face. His fingers dipped between her folds, finding the little nub nestled there. He pulled and tugged it, rolling it between his fingers as he fucked her with long, deep thrusts. His tempo increased until his balls began slapping on her ass, the heat between them almost unbearable.

“My name is Aureus,” he murmured huskily as his loins tightened. “Scream for me, little one.”

He sucked her hard nipple into his mouth as her orgasm finally crashed over her. She screamed his name as her body seized around him. He thrust into her deeply, her tight walls clenching around his hard cock. Feeling her cum around him triggered his own release, and a deep roar burst from his chest as his manhood began spurting into her womb. Thick ropes of hot cum splashed inside her as his cock pulsed, the hot jets triggering another explosion inside of her. Wave after wave, the pleasure crashed over them as they moaned and writhed together, feeding off of each other’s satisfaction.

Hearts thundering together, they lay with their legs entwined as they finally began to recover. Lyris, barely able to lift her heavy lashes, gazed up at her soul-mate in wonder. The love shining in his gaze took her breath away, what little she had left.

“Aureus,” she whispered, watching as his eyes lit up at hearing his name come across her lips.

“Yes, my love?”

“What does your name mean?” she asked, her natural curiosity coming to life in their lovemaking’s natural afterglow.

Aureus chuckled as he looked down into her crystal emerald eyes, and replied, “It means The Golden One. I was named in the old language, many years ago.”

How perfect, thought the sleepy leprechaun as she snuggled against her mate’s warmth. How utterly perfect that in a golden meadow, under the golden sun, a little leprechaun should find her soul-mate with a name of gold. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Greetings, All!

I'll be posting the contest entries for our St. Patrick's Day contest as I get a chance to read through them.

These stories are significantly longer than the submissions for the previous contest, so I'll be placing each of the entries on individual pages. You'll find them on the left hand side of the page.

Check back this week to make sure you catch them all!